Browse collection of tools organized by category
Development & programming
Redis playground
Test Redis commands in a simulated environment.
CURL builder
Build CURL requests.
JSON repairer
Automatically repair JSON.
JSON array length counter
Count the number of elements in a JSON array.
CSS calc playground
Playground for testing CSS calc expression.
GPT tokenizer
Tokenize text for different AI models.
Math evaluator
Evaluate mathematical expressions.
Ratio calculator
Calculate ratio based on the width and height.
Entropy calculator
Calculate entropy of a given string.
Color converter
Convert colors between different formats.
Fibonacci generator
Generate Fibonacci sequence.
UUID generator
Generate unique identifier.
Chmod generator
Generate chmod symbolic and numeric expressions.
Code snippet generator
Generate screenshot of code snippets with syntax highlighting.
SQL query tester
Validate SQL query.
Regex tester
Validate regular expressions for pattern matching in text.
Javascript key code identifier
Identify JavaScript codes of the pressed keys on a keyboard.
JSON tree viewer
Visualize JSON data in an interactive tree view format.
Web notification tester
Test web browser notifications with custom title, message, and icon.
Math & science
Percentage calculator
Calculate percentage of a number.
Design & style
CSS shadow generator
Generate CSS shadow.
Color mixer
Mix colors together to create new colors.
Random generators
Fake identity generator
Generate random personal details for testing purposes.
Luhn number generator
Generate Luhn number.
Random number generator
Generate random number within a range.
Document & content tools
Signature draw board
Draw signature on the board and save it as image.
Unit converters
Sievert dose units converter
Convert sievert dose units between each other.
Temperature converter
Convert temperature units.
Length converter
Convert length units.
Kelvins to color
Convert kelvin temperature to corresponding color in RGB and other color formats.
Mass converter
Convert units of mass, such as kilograms, pounds, or grams, to other measurement units.
Open Graph generator
Generate Open Graph metadata data.
SVG viewer
View SVG images.
Identicon generator
Generates unique avatar images based on the input text.
Emoji explorer
Explore and learn about emojis.
Data format conversion
JSON to CSV converter
Convert JSON to CSV format and vice versa.
Base64 encoder and decoder
Encode and decode text to and from Base64 format.
Punycode converter
Convert Punycode to Unicode and vice versa.
Number to words converter
Converts number to words.
JSONC to JSON converter
Convert JSONC to JSON.
MessagePack converter
Convert JSON to MessagePack Hex and vice versa.
Data digital units converter
Convert data digital units.
Cyrillic latin translit
Translate cyrillic letters into latin letters and vice versa.
Validation & parsing
Verhoeff validator
Validate number with Verhoeff algorithm.
Isikukood validator and parser
Validate and parse Estonian personal identification code.
ISBN validator and parser
Validate and parse ISBN number.
IBAN validator and parser
Parse and validate IBAN.
Phone number parser
Parse phone numbers to get additional information like country code.
Luhn number validator
Validate numbers with Luhn algorithm.
JSON validator
Validates the syntax and structure of JSON.
IPv4 validator
Validate if an IP address follows the correct IPv4 format with four octets separated by dots.
Time & date tools
Calculate time between two dates
Calculate the time difference between two dates.
Sunrise calculator
Calculate the time of sunrise based on the geographic coordinates and date.
Sunset calculator
Calculate the time of sunset based on the geographic coordinates and date.
Julian date converter
Converts Julian date to Gregorian date and vice versa.
Lunar phase calculator
Calculate the current phase of the moon.
Age calculator
Calculate the age based on the birth date.
Time converter
Convert time units between.
CRON parser
Understand CRON expressions for scheduling tasks.
Timezone guesser
Identify the timezone of the current browser.
Timezone converter
Calculate the difference in time across different timezones.
Unix timestamp reader
Convert Unix timestamps to human-readable dates and times.
A simple stopwatch tool for timing events.
Network & hardware
WebSocket client
Connect to WebSocket server to send and receive test messages.
Random port generator
Generates random port numbers for network services.
Screen size detector
Detect screen and viewport size of the device.
Random IP generator
Generate random IP addresses.
Download time calculator
Calculate the time it takes to download.
HTTP status code explorer
Explore HTTP status codes and their meanings.
MAC address lookup
Lookup MAC address vendor information.
WiFi QR code generator
Generate QR code for connecting to WiFi networks.
System tools
Docker compose to command converter
Converts Docker compose file to Docker run command.
Docker command to compose converter
Convert Docker commands to Docker Compose files.
User agent parser
Parse User-Agent string to identify browser, operating system and device details.
Text & string processing
Profanity remover
Remove profanity words from the text.
Link extractor
Extract links from a given text.
Number extractor
Extract numbers from a given text.
Reading time estimator
Estimate the time it takes to read text.
Text trimmer
Remove extra spaces and line breaks from the text.
Lorem ipsum generator
Generate random placeholder text for web development or other uses.
Markdown editor
Write and preview markdown content in realtime.
Diff compare text
Identify differences between two texts by highlighting added and removed parts.
Levenshtein distance calculator
Measure the minimum number of edits needed to transform one string into another.
Text statistics counter
Count the number of characters, words, sentences, lines, paragraphs in a text.
Case converter
Change the case of text to camel, capital and other cases.
Image & media
QR code reader
Read QR codes from images.
Image compressor
Compress image.
Exif reader
Extract and display metadata from image files, including camera settings, location, and other details.
QR code generator
Generate QR code from text or URL.
Cryptography & security
MD5 file hash generator
Generate MD5 hash from a file.
OTP manager
Generate and validate one-time passwords for two-factor authentication.
Password crack time calculator
Calculate the time it would take to crack a password.
MD5 hash generator
Calculate MD5 hash from text.
Password generator
Generate random password based on a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
RSA key pair generator
Generate RSA key pairs for cryptographic purposes with different key sizes and formats.
Health & calculations
BMI calculator
Estimate body mass index based on weight and height measurements.
BAC calculator
Calculate the blood alcohol content based on the number of drinks consumed and body weight.